- 45XO. Isochromosome Xq
, Xp deletions, ring X chromosome.
- Mosaicism with a
concomitant normal cell line in 15%.
- 2nd Trimester
spontaneous abortion in the vast majority. Over 95% of nonmosaic 45,X
fetuses is spontaneously aborted. Of liveborn neonates with Turners
syndrome, 40% are mosaic or have variant chromosomal patterns. 7% of
fetuses are spontaneously aborted, suggesting that survivors with less
severe features of Turner’s syndrome have less severe chromosomal
abnormalities including mosaicism and structural X chromosome
abnormalities (3,4)
- Short stature, low
hairline, web neck, cubitis valgas, shield chest, widely spaced nipples,
hearing loss, renal and cardiac malformations.
- Infertile with no
menses or secondary sexual characteristics due to ovarian dysgenesis.
- IQ decreased but
mental retardation is rare.
- 1:5,000-10,000 births
- Karyotype