The kidney and its ureter develops in 3 stages. In each stage, which overlap each other to a small extent, a different set of excretory organs or kidneys exist. The 3 sets of kidneys develop in a cranial to caudal sequence
The first stage is termed the pronephros or forekidney after the nonfunctional pronephros that develops by the end of the third week of gestation and then regresses at 4 weeks. Tubules from the pronephros drain into the excretory duct that ends in the cloaca. (1-4).
The pronephros soon involutes, replaced by a somewhat more
caudal structure known as the mesonephros or midkidney, which incorporates most of the ducts of the pronephros. Cell clusters in the nephrogenic
cords develop lumina and become vesicles that grow
into urinefrous mesonephric
tubules each of which becomes associated with local blood vessels. The
combination of tubules and blood vessels develops into a glomerular
or Bowman’s capsule, the primitive glomeruli.
As the tubules from the lumbar region of the fetal
body develop, those in the thoracic area degenerate and disappear producing a
kidney in a low abdominal position. The tubules drain into an ipsilateral medial structure known as the Wolffian or mesonephric duct,
which drains into the excretory duct of the pronephros
The final stage of kidney development is that of the metanephros or hindkidney, the permanent kidney. It begins to develop in the latter portion of the fifth gestational week and begins functioning in the sixth week. It develops from mesodermal tissue at the most inferior aspect of the nephrogenic cord. At that site, metanephric blastema develops nephrons under the influence of the ureteric bud, a diverticulum of the mesonephric duct that develops at the level of the future first sacral vertebral body. Without a ureteric bud, no nephrons will develop. The ureteric bud on each side of the body elongates and divides multiple times and develop into the renal tubules, the calyces, the renal pelvis, and the ureters of that side of the body. The presence of individual calyces are necessary for the development of their associated primitive renal lobe made up of a renal pyramid and its surrounding renal cortex. By the 8th gestational week, the metanephros rises from its retroperitoneal position at the level of the sacrum to its normal position in which the renal hilum is at about the level of the second lumbar vertebral body.
Accessory renal arteries are common findings in life, because of persistence of the embryonic vessels, which fed the metanephros during its embryologic ascent (1-5). The metanephros becomes functional near the 12th week of gestation. By then, swallowed amniotic fluid is recycled through the kidneys and excreted as urine into the amniotic cavity that surrounds the fetus (4).
The metanephros arises caudal to the mesonephros at 5 weeks of development. It derives from mesoderm, the metanephrogenic blastema, lateral to the developing urogenital sinus and lateral to the mesonephric duct.
The ureteric bud arises as a diverticulum from the mesonephric (Wolfian) duct and invades the center of the metanephros. This juxtaposition of the ureteric bud and the specialized mesoderm stimulates the metanephrogenic blastema to form glomeruli, proximal and distal tubules. When the ureteric bud touches the metanephros, progressive branching of the ureteric bud occurs creating the renal pelvis, infundibulae, calyces, and collecting tubules which will provide a conduit for urine drainage in the mature kidney. This process is known as the induction of the kidney.
As the kidney develops in the elongating fetus, it 'ascends' from its original location (adjacent to the developing bladder) to its mature location (in the retroperitoneum just caudal to the diaphragm). As the kidney moves cephalad relative to the bladder, it takes new arterial supply from the aorta and new venous drainage into the vena cava. This "ascent" is also accompanied by medial rotation. Early in development, the renal pelvis lies anterior to the renal parenchyma. As the kidney moves into the lumbar region, the renal pelvis rotates medially so that the renal parenchyma lies lateral to the pelvis.
of Bertin |
Kidney length (Table) – Chervenak 1992
volume (Graph) – Romero 1988
Kidney length (Table) – Chervenak 1992
Kidney volume (Graph) – Romero 1988