·        Sacrococcygeal teratomas arise from a multipotential embryonic cell situated in Hensen’s node, a part of the primitive streak. A theory of "twinning accident" with incomplete separation during embryogenesis has also been proposed.

·        Mature and immature teratomas represent 87-93% of cases, with malignant tumors representing the other 7-13% (1) (malignant change occurs more commonly in males) (2).

·        The majority occurs sporadically, however a familial hereditary pattern has been reported. Unlike the sporadic type, the familial type is usually benign and entirely presacral. There is an equal male to female distribution and may be associated with anal stenosis and a sacral defect.

·        Sacrococcygeal teratomas occur in approximately 1:40,000 births (1).

·        Female: male ratio is 4:1.

·        Benign versus malignant:

o       It was usually benign. Benign - disease free survival is greater than 90%

o       Malignant - significant mortality, although good progress has been made recently in treatment of these tumors.

      1. < 2 months of age, only 7-10% are malignant
      2. Age 1 year, 37% malignant
      3. Age 2 years, 50% malignant



o       Though the exact etiology of most SCTs is unknown, the majority are thought to be sporadic.

o       A few families with autosomal dominantly inherited presacral teratomas have been described in the literature, however. The recurrence risk for this family is probably not significantly above background [10].

     The familial type of SCT has different characteristics with:

·        Female to male ratio of 1:1

·        It was entirely presacral in all cases.

·        It was associated with anal stenosis and sacral defect together, and


Link to Embryology / Etiology






Link to Ultrasound


15% of patients have associated congenital anomalies: genitourianr, imperforate anus, sacral bone defects, duplication of uterus or vagina, spina bifida, meningomyelocele.



External sacrococcygeal teratomas have a significant risk of dystocia, hydrops, hemorrhage, congestive heart failure and rare malignancies (6-11). Other  complications in utero include polyhydramnios and tumor hemorrhage, which can lead to anemia and nonimmune hydrops fetalis. If significant atrioventricular (A-V) shunting occurs within the tumor, hydrops may result from high-output cardiac failure. Development of hydrops is an ominous sign. If it develops after 30 weeks’ gestation, the mortality rate is 25%. If recognized, delivery is recommended as soon as lung maturity is documented. Development of hydrops before 30 weeks’ gestation has an abysmal prognosis, with a 93% mortality rate.

Inadequate placental flow has been reported to induce the release of vasoactive substances that can gain access to the maternal circulation that result in endothekial cell damage and lead to maternal pseudotoxemia (Ballantyne syndrome). In this syndrome there are signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia including hypertension, proteinuria, peripheral edema, pulmonary edema, nausea and vomiting (17-19).





Holzgreve et al (15,16) have described an algorithm to approach the management of sacrococcygeal teratoma based on fetal lung maturity and the presence or absence of placentomegaly and/or hydrops fetalis. In the absence of placentomegaly and hydrops, the fetus should be followed by serial ultrasound until fetal pulmonary maturity is adequate for survival. The patient should then undergo elective early delivery by cesarean section to avoid trauma to the mass or dystocia.

The occurrence of placentomegaly and/or hydrops fetalis appears to be a preterminal event indicating imminent fetal demise. Its occurrence in a fetus with adequate pulmonary maturity demands emergency cesarean section. Fetuses developing placentomegaly and/or fetal hydrops prior to adequate lung maturity are the most difficult management decisions. These fetuses may be candidates for transfusion or fetal surgical intervention.



Treatment of SCT is primarily surgical. Sacrococcygeal teratomas should be excised as soon as possible, because small, undifferentiated foci may proliferate and become aggressive. If diagnosed in utero, then intrauterine resection is recommended. Since the tumors are attached to the coccyx, the entire coccyx must be removed. Failure to remove the coccyx results in a 30 to 40 per cent risk of local recurrence.

A procedure, called "radiofrequency ablation", developed at the University of California San Francisco has proven successful in a number of cases. A needle is inserted through the maternal abdomen into tumor. Radiofrequency waves are sent through this needle, supplying heat to the tumor and destroying the blood vessels that feed it. Without vascularity, the tumor regresses and the hydrops, or heart failure is reversed.




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