Hirschsprung's disease is caused by the absence of the ganglion cells of the
myenteric plexus extending proximally from the distal colon. This is thought to
occur secondary to the arrest of the craniocaudal migration of neuroblasts.
This results in a normal or reduced caliber of the aganglionic segment, and a
functional obstruction with distention of the more proximal normal colon.
- 80% involve the distal 10cm
of large bowel.
- 10-15% involve a longer
segment of colon.
- 5-10% have total colonic
- Dilated loops of colon
(peripheral location, lack of peristalsis, haustral markings or pelvic location).
The ultrasound finding of dilated colon does, however have a poor
predictive value and in the majority of cases does not represent colonic
or anal obstruction (1).
- Dilated loops of colon with
obstruction is usually not detected prior to 25 weeks gestation (3,4).
- Enterolithiasis.
- Increased abdominal
- Polyhydramnios.

Postnatal Abdominal Radiograph and Barium Enema

Dilated loops
of small and large bowel.
Paucity of gas in rectum and sigmoid region.
area noted at recto-sigmoid junction on barium enema with Colonic dilatation
proximal to this area.


- Esophageal dysmotility
- Down's Syndrome (3% of Down's
syndrome have Hirschsprung's disease).
- Malrotation.
- Ileal and colonic atresias.
- Neurocristopathies
(neuroblastoma, phaeochromocytoma, neurofibromatosis, Waardenberg's
syndrome, and MEN IIA).
- Metaphyseal dysplasia of the
McKusick-Kaufman type.
- Cat-eye syndrome.
- Congenital rubella.
- Vermesh M, Mayden KL,
Confino E et.al. Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease.
J Ultrasound Med 1986;5:37-39.
- Eliyahu S, Yanai N, Blondheim
O et.al. Sonographic presentation of Hirschsprung's disease. A case of an
entire aganglionic colon and ileum. Prenat Diagn 1994;14:1170-1172.
- Belin B, Corteville JE,
Langer JC. How accurate is prenatal sonography for the diagnosis of
imperforate anus and Hirschsprung's disease? Pediatr Surg Int
- Harris RD, Nyberg DA, Mack
LA. Anorectal atresia: prenatal sonographic diagnosis. AJR