Congenital left ventricular aneurysm is a rare cardiac anomaly that has been detected antenatally (1-7). A ventricular aneurysm is an outpouching of the fibrous ventricular wall in conjunction with akinesis and dyskinesis. The aneurysm wall contains myocardium and fibrous tissue. The neck of the defect is usually broad, and the defect may be uni- or multilobulated. These defects are usually not associated with other intracardiac anomalies. The cause of a congenital cardiac aneurysm id obscure, however prenatal infection, trauma and ischemia of the myocardium could be implicated.
A left ventricular diverticulum is a fingerlike projection communicating with the left ventricular apex. It has a smooth non-contractile wall, and involved the apex of the heart. The neck of the defect has a well-developed muscular wall and is associated with anomalies of midline structures of the body such as sternum, pericardium, heart (ASD, VSD), diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall (8-11).
A false aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm is a localized myocardial rupture limited
by adherent pericardium and fibrous tissue (11).
Classification |
Etiology |
- Subaortic |
- Unknown? |
Reference |
GA at diagnosis |
Other Findings |
Outcome |
(1) |
32 weeks |
Cardiac arrhythmia |
Delivery at 41
weeks |
(2) |
35.5 weeks |
No cardiac failure |
Delivery at 39
weeks |
(3) |
29 weeks |
Cardiac failure |
Intrauterine demise |
(4) |
24 weeks |
effusion |
demise |
(5) |
28 wks |
No cardiac failure
or arrhythmia |
Demise post
surgical repair |
(7) |
21 wks |
Ascites, pleural
effusions and subcutaneous edema at 27 wks. |
demise at 27 weeks. |
Video clip of a Left Ventricle
Diverticulum |
Prenatal – spontaneous rupture, arrhythmia (ventriculat tachycardia), congestive heart failure, and mass effect on the adjacent lung with associated underdevelopment.
Postnatal – thromoboembolism, bacterial endocarditis, angina from compression of coronary arteries by the expanding aneurysm (12).