The fetal brain is almost completely divided into two distinct hemispheres except for a variable degree of fusion at the level of the cingulate gyrus and frontal horns of the lateral ventricle. The prognosis is uncertain. May have a normal life span but mental retardation and neurological sequelae are common.





Colpocephaly with dilatation of the occipital horns due to callosal agenesis



·        Vascular anomalies associated with lobar holoprosencephaly (6-9).

The abnormal trajectory of the anterior cerebral artery in cases of holoprosencephaly has been well described. Lobar holoprosencephaly always has fusion of the two frontal gyri (even if it is only partial). The anterior cerebral artery is pushed externally alongside the frontal bone by the abnormal bridge of cortical tissue between the two frontal gyri. This has been described as the “snake under the skull: appearance on sagittal views of the brain when asses with color or power Doppler.




Anterior displacement of the anterior cerebral artery on the sagittal images.




Displacement of the anterior cerebral artery cannot be appreciated on the axial images.