This results from persistence of the villi of the chorion laeve as well as the chorion frondosum, producing a
large, thin placenta that entirely surrounds the fetal membranes.
- Also referred to as placenta diffusa.
- All of the fetal membranes
are covered by functioning villi and the
placenta develops as a thin membranous structure occupying the entire
periphery of the chorion.
- Seldom interferes with fetal
- Is associated in nearly all
cases by early antepartum bleeding and either
abortion or premature labor. This is due to the fact that that part of the
placenta is necessarily previa.
- The diagnosis can be made by
ultrasound when the placenta is uniformly distributed over the membranes
and of reasonable thickness.
- Placenta may require manual
separation, as expulsion may be incomplete and result in postpartum