The nasal cavity originates
from paired invaginations of ectoderm (nasal sacs). The nasal sacs are
separated from the oral cavity by the oronasal membrane (which
subsequently undergoes resorption).
At 6wk GA - Nasal and oral
cavities communicate freely through an opening that progressively closes
by the developing palate.
At 12 wk GA - Lateral
palatine processes fuse medially with nasal septum. The oral and two nasal
cavities are formed and separated.
The external nose forms
from the lower portion of the frontonasal prominence, which merge on both
sides with the maxillary processes.
Failure of development of
frontonasal prominence results in complete or incomplete nasal aplasia.
Seen best on axial or
sagittal views.
Tip of nose, alae nasi, and
columna are seen above the upper lip.
Do not measure the soft
tissues overlying the nasal bone.