- In synotia the oral cavity is
rudimentary and the ears approach the midline below the mouth (this
approximates the extreme embryonic position of the pinna).
- The definitive position of the
pinna depends on a relative upward migration during development of the
mandible and facial structures. In cases in which there is a poorly formed
or no mandible, upward migration of the pinna may be retarded.
- Synotia has been described in
monosymmetric cephalothoracopagus.
- Pinna is situated on the
cheek and the lobule may be located at the angle of the mouth.
- May represent lack of aural
ascent due to under development of the auricle. There is also
embryological evidence that melotia represents a large prearicular
appendage (1).
- The external auditory meatus
may / may not be affected.
1. Otto HD. Pathogenesis of the preauricular appendage, melotia
and poliotia. Arch Otorhinolaryngeal 1979;225:45-56.