M-mode recording of the fetal heart cannot identify electrical events in the
heart, but does depict the mechanical events that succeed them.
Information obtained from real time M-mode echocardiography include:
- Cardiac rate (both atrial
and ventricular rates). Each atrial contraction is followed by a
ventricular contraction.
- Ventricular cavity motion.
- Cardiac wall thickness and
- Motion of the
atrioventricular and semilunar valves.
- Cardiac arrhythmias.
- Small pericardial effusions
(separation of parietal and visceral pericardium)
M-mode recordings can be obtained from any plane:
- Plane through the left and
right atrial chambers.
- Size and contraction
of the atrial chambers only.
- Movement of foramen
- Plane through the left and
right ventricles.
- One can recognize the
anterior wall of the near field ventricle, the atrioventicular valves,
the interventricular septum, the distal ventricle and its posterior wall.
- The ventricular rate
can be determined but one would not know the atrial rate nor could one
ascertain whether atrial contractions are transmitted to the ventricles.
- Plane through the
left/right atrium, semilunar valve, left/right ventricle or through the right
atrium, semilunar valve and left ventricle.
- This is the most
informative view and allows one to analyze both the rate of atrial and
ventricular contractions as well as the transmission of an impulse from
the atrium to the ventricle.
- Different
dysrhythmias can be more easily differentiated.
- Motion of the aortic and pulmonary valves.
- Motion of the semilunar valves.