The scapula begins to ossify at about 8 weeks of gestation, and at birth most
of the scapula is ossified (1). As development of the scapula progresses, the
supraspinous fossa has become progressively smaller, whereas the infraspinous
area becomes progressively larger.
- The scapula is easily
visualized sonographically.
- Scapular length increases
linearly from 15-42 weeks gestation (2).
- Normal Scapular Length
- Samilson RL. Congenital and
developmental anomalies of the shoulder girdle. Ortho Clin North Am
- Sherer DM, Plessinger MA, Allen
TA. Fetal scapular length in the ultrasonographic assessment of
gestational age. J Ultrasound Med 1994;13:523-528.