1. Complete - Involved digits united as far as the digital phalanx.
  2. Incomplete - United further than the mid-point of the proximal phalanx but short of the distal phalanx.
  3. Complex - Bony union exists between the involved digits.
  4. Simple - Soft tissue + no bony union between the involved digits
  5. Acrosyndactyly - Fusion between the more distal portions of the digits. There is always some proximal fenestration from dorsal to palmar surfaces.


Bony syndactyly between 4th and 5th digits

Syndactyly of the feet




  1. Poland syndrome.
  2. Acrocephalosyndactylies.
  3. Mesomelic dyslasia (Werner type).
  4. TAR syndrome.
  5. Jarcho-Levin syndrome.
  6. Roberts syndrome.
  7. Otopalatodigital syndrome type II.
  8. Holt-Oram.



  1. Bronshtein M, Stahl S, Zimmer EZ. Transvaginal sonographic diagnosis of fetal finger abnormalities in early gestation. J Ultrasound Med 1995;14:591-595.