- Contain all three germ cell
- Usually benign, but grow
rapidly, invade locally and do not metastasize.
- 2/3 supratentorially and
thought to arise from the pineal gland.
- Usually diagnosed in the
third trimester (earliest reported teratoma was at 22 weeks).
- Irregular.
- Solid echogenic mass with
variable cystic components.

- Calcification (may be
sonographically visualized).
- Distortion of the fetal
brain; midline structures may not be identified.
- Majority are supratentorial.
3 sites of predilection
- Within the third
ventricle (having invaded from the pineal gland).
- Subfrontal.
- Subtemporal.
- Less frequently they may
arise infratentorially.
- Can grow through the
skull base into the neck, midbrain and orbits
- Increased BPD and hydrocephalus
may occur, resulting in macrocrania with / without deformity of the
calvarial shape.
- Polyhydramnios (>50%).
- Fetal hydrops and high output
cardiac failure is rare (1).
Scan at 22 weeks of gestation.Solid subfrontal mass
extending into temporal and parietal regions.Solid and predominatly cytic
components.Mass effect and midline shift present. Dilated third ventricle


TORCH infection.
Ischemic brain necrosis.
Other intracranial tumors (astrocytoma /
Arachnoid cyst if the lesion is primarily cystic.
- Very poor. Perinatal
mortality is close to 100% (usually in the first few days of life).
- Prolonged survival is rare,
but has been described.
- Scherer DM, Abramowicz JS
Eggers PC et.al. Prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis of intracranial teratoma
and massive craniomegaly with associated high-output cardiac failure. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1993;168:97-99.
- Richard SR. Ultrasonic
diagnosis of intracranial teratoma in utero: A case report and literature
review. J Reprod Med 1987;32:73-75.
- Ferreira O, Morvan J,
Cleophax JP. Prenatal diagnosis of intracranial teratoma. A case report. J
Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 1988;17:1075-1080.
- Ferreira J, Eviatar L,
Schneider S et.al. Prenatal diagnosis of intracranial teratoma: Prolonged
survival after resection of a malignant teratoma diagnosed prenatally by
ultrasound. A case report and literature review. Pediatr Neurosurg
- Kuller JA, Laifer SA, Martin
JG et.al. Unusual presentation of fetal teratoma. J Perinatol