Scanning Planes and the Normal Appearance of the Fetal Spine

Axial Plane (transverse)

  • Three ossification centers are present at each vertebral level:
    • The body of the vertebra anteriorly.
    • Two laminae posteriorly.
  • Assess the entire spine segment by segment (use ischial ossification centers as a landmark to ensure the caudal end of the spine has been reached).
  • Inward angulation of the laminae (often insufficient ossification of the laminae in the lower lumbar and sacral spine at 18-22 menstrual weeks to confirm normality).
  • Spinous processes - cartilaginous in fetal life and only occasionally seen.


Coronal Plane

  • Sonographically two parallel lines that coincide with the posterior ossification centers or the articular joints formed by adjacent laminae of the vertebrae.
  • Posterior elements are linear bands that flair in the upper C-spine, widen slightly in the lumbar region and converge in the sacrum.
  • Cannot visualize the entire spine in a single longitudinal coronal plane due to the normal fetal kyphosis.
  • Gaps between vertebral bodies represent unossified margins of the vertebral bodies and the discs.



Longitudinal Plane

  • In the sagittal plane through the long axis, the skin and subcutaneous tissues along the posterior aspect of the fetal back are well visualized.
  • The spine appears as two parallel lines that converge at the sacrum.
  • These parallel echogenic lines correspond to the vertebrae and vertebral bodies that encase the spinal canal.
  • S4 is the most caudal ossification center sonographically visible in the second trimester, while S5 is most caudal in the third trimester.
  • Demonstration of the cord and dura may be possible in this plane.

Lumbosacral angle – important to visualize as normality excludes sacral agenesis.

·         Normal = 35-40 degrees

·         Hyperlordosis = > 45 degrees

·         Hypolordosis = < 35 degrees


Skin line and soft tissues overlying the spine:

The integrity of the skin line and soft tissues over the spine should be carefully assessed.