Fetal anomaly or syndrome


Central nervous system defect

Anencephaly                                                                                 1,2

Craniosynostosis                                                                            1

Dandy-Walker malformation                                                      1,3

Diastematomyelia                                                                           4

Encephalocele                                                                                1

Holoprosencephaly                                                                   1,5,6

Hydrolethalus syndrome                                                              7

Joubert syndrome                                                                          8

Microcephaly                                                                                  4

Macrocephaly                                                                                2

Spina bifida                                                                                  1,2

Iniencephaly                                                                                  9

Trigonocephaly C                                                                         4

Ventriculomegaly                                                                       1,5


Face and Mandible

Agnathia/micrognathia                                                             1,3

Facial cleft                                                                                  1,11

Microphthalmia                                                                            4

Treacher-Collins syndrome                                                       1



Cystic hygroma                                                                         1,12

Neck lipoma                                                                                 1


Cardiac defect                                                                       2,3,5,6,9,





Di George syndrome                                                                26


Pulmonary System

Cystic adenomatoid malformation                                          1

Diaphragmatic hernia                                                        1,5,11,18,27

Fryn syndrome                                                                       1,28,29


Abdominal Wall Defect

Cloacal exstrophy                                                                     1

Omphalocele                                                                      1,2,5,9,10,



Gastroschisis                                                                            1

Gastrointestinal Tract

Crohn’s disease                                                                      1

Duodenal atresia                                                                 1,18

Esophageal atresia                                                             3,32

Small bowel obstruction                                                      1


Genital Tract

Ambiguous genitalia                                                            1

Hypospadias                                                                          1

Genitourinary Tract

Genitourinary Tract

Congenital nephrotic syndrome                                        1

Hydronephrosis                                                                    1

Infantile polycystic kidneys                                                1

Meckel-Gruber syndrome                                                1,18

Megacystis                                                                   1,5,18,23,33,


Multicystic dysplastic kidneys                                  1,5,9,10,18,33

Renal agenesis                                                                 1,5

Skeletal System


Achondrogenesis                                                         38,39,40,41

Achondroplasia                                                                   19

Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy                                      42

Blomstrand osteochondrodysplasia                                43

Campomelic dwarfism                                                       44

Jarcho-Levin syndrome                                                  1,45

Kyphoscoliosis                                                                     1

Limb reduction defect                                                      1,35

La Ronge syndrome                                                          46

Nance-Sweeny syndrome                                                 1

Osteogenesis imperfecta                                               1,47

Roberts syndrome                                                              48

Short rib polydactyly                                                           49

Sirenomelia                                                                         50

Talipes equinovarus                                                         1,2

Thanatophoric dysplasia                                                    1

VATER association                                                            51

Fetal Anemia


Blackfan-Diamond anemia                                               1

Dyserythropeitic anemia                                                    1

Fanconi anemia                                                         52,53,54,55.

Alpha thalassemia                                                            56


Neuromuscular Disorders

Fetal akinesia deformation sequence                  1,5,10,11,57

Myotonic dystrophy                                                           3

Spinal muscular atrophy                                        1,3,18,58,59


Metabolic Defect

Beckwith-Wiedermann syndrome                                   1

GM1 gangliosidosis                                                            3

Long chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme a

                      dehydrogenase deficiency                        60

Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII                                      61

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome                                 1,5,62,63,64,65

Vitamin D resistant rickets                                               66

Zellwegers syndrome                                                   3,67,68


Other Defects

Body stalk anomaly                                                       1,5,69

Brachmann-de Lange syndrome                                  70

CHARGE association                                                       5

Deficiency of immune system                                        1

Congenital lymphedema                                                 1

EEC syndrome                                                                   3

Neonatal myoclonic encephalopathy                            1

Noonan syndrome                                                     1,2,3,8,33,


Perlman syndrome                                                           72

Stickler syndrome                                                               5

Unspecified syndrome                                                   1,10

Severe developmental delay                                        1,2,18









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