Sonographic characteristic of membrane

Relationship to Fetus / Placenta

Timing / Etiology

* Ruptured amnion retracts around base of cord from which it remains firmly attached.
* Sheets of membranes floating freely in amniotic fluid.
* Free edge present due to ruptured membrane.

* Fetus moves freely as there is no entanglement with amnion.
* Fetus grows in the extraembryonic coelom.
* No fetal constrictions or amputations.

* Timing unknown but must occur before amnion fuses with chorion.
* Etiology obscure.








Sonographic characteristic of membrane

Relationship to Fetus / Placenta

Timing / Pathology

* Yet to be diagnosed antenatally.
* Visualized free edge of amnion and chorion where hole is present.
* Severe oligohydramnios.

* Fetus outside membranes within endometrial cavity.
* Chronic leak of amniotic fluid.
* Severe oligohydramnios:
  - lung hypoplasia
  - growth retardation
  - joint dislocation
  - clubfoot.
* Typically circumvallate placenta with short umbilical cord.

* The size of the hole that the fetus escapes from suggests that it occurs early in the pregnancy.
* Cause of rupture unknown.
* Rupture of amnion and chorion.
* Fetus migrates into endometrial cavity with no further growth of membranes