(Craniolacunia or Luckenschadel Skull)
Considered a mesenchymal
dysplasia of the cranial vault and endosteum.
Present at birth and
disappears at 3-6 months.
Associated with:
1. Encephaloceles.
2. Meningoceles.
3. Meningomyeloceles.
4. Spina bifida.
5. Arnold - Chiari ll
Usually normal even in the late
third trimester.
Defects in ossification
involving the inner table.
Defects in ossification
involving all cranial tables (craniofenestra).
Post Natal Skull X-Ray
Rounded areas of
lucency (pits involving inner table and diploic space) outlined by strips
of bone (residual ridges of normal skull) in the upper parietal region.
May extend through the
outer table resulting in craniofenestra.